Continuous Glucose Monitors

  I honestly do not know how I got by without a CGM. They are a game changer. Where you sugar level is currently is great to know, however a glucometer can tell you that. A CGM can tell you where it is going and where it has been. This helps you to be able to make more informed decisions.

 Cost is a bit of an issue with CGMs, support for them seems to be growing, however depending on your insurance, they may not be covered. Information I find about programs to assist in that area will be linked in below.

Currently I am using the Eversense E3, my experiences with it so far have been excellent. My insurance does not cover it, they did cover other CGMs that I used for a period of time before switching to the Eversense. With the PASS program that Eversense is offering (PASS PROGRAM), it’s cheaper than the co-pays with insurance for the ones they do cover.

Dexcom offers assistance as well, I do not have any personal experience with their program however it may help some of you get a CGM.

 Freestyle Libre offers a free trial